
Hand Tools

When you need tools that have various functions in your home, office, garden or atelier, do not complete your shopping without seeing Hand Tools section of Yeğenler Elektrik.

You can identify products that you need with affordable prices in Hand Tools department and you can make your life easier with these items.

If you have any questions or anything you need to know about Hand Tools department, please contact our Customer Service Center.

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Industrial Solutions

We provide broad solutions to maximize reliability in industrial field, cost organization and energy performance or energy management and products and solutions providing energy efficiency in structures along with electricity equipment and maintenance in industrial work, industry and production facilities. To get information for industrial solutions from our experienced specialists, you can contact with our Customer Service Center.


Commercial Solutions

We add value to your projects along with commercial solutions for structures like buildings (offices, retail stores, hotels, hospitals, schools, entertainment centers, shopping malls etc.), construction projects (construction, renovation and maintenance) and economic and innovative products designed for meeting comfort standards for energy implementation. To get information for commercial solutions from our experienced specialists, you can contact with our Customer Service Center.


Residential Solutions

We add value to your residence for individual and mass housing with our customized solutions along with products of national and international brands. By tracking sectorial developments to improve comfort and security and also to minimize energy consumption for residence, we offer appropriate solutions.

To fulfill all the requirements of residence, we provide innovations from illumination, home automation, keys and sockets to efficient home control solutions, to fast charging of electric vehicle charger devices along with broad product range. To get information for residence solutions from our experienced specialists, you can contact with our Customer Service Center.